
Colored Sand Tray Fun

   It was spring Break for my little kiddies and they were already bored on day 3. There are of course, 10,000 things for them to do, but they were still bugging me to play with them. At least they were not wanting to sit and watch TV.

   My youngest attends a preschool that has a sand sensory table. Every afternoon when I pick her up, all of the kids seem to be having so much fun playing at the sand table. I had some leftover colored sand from my daughter’s birthday party. We have to have Sand Art at every special event. (Birthdays, Team Parties, Scouts, etc.) So I decided to make my own mini sand play station.

I poured a little sand on a plastic lid & a cookie sheet. We worked on letters, numbers, and sight words. She had a blast practicing. Playing in the sand was so much fun, she never even realized that she was learning at the same time.

We would work on a letter, and when we mastered it, we would give the pan a little shake. After the sand was smooth on the pan again, we would start another letter. She sat at the table for hours that day practicing her alphabet. I even caught the 12 year old drawing in the sand. Maybe it was like a calming Zen Garden?

All I know is that I will be pulling this sand out more often for play time…or should I say learning time?

Supplies needed:

Metal cookie pan

Plastic lid off of a tote.

Bright Colors of Colored Sand

(P.S. In the past I colored my own sand, but I found beautiful colors at colored I can buy the sand and have it shipped to my door for cheaper than coloring it.)