Emoji Fun Pack 15 ct.
(6 reviews) Write a Review
ID Code: EMOJI-15
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Emoji Fun Sand Art Pack 15 ct.
ONLY - $55.00

15 Emoji Bottles 
5 Colors of Sand (Plenty)
12 Mini Funnels, Spoons, & Instructions


Fun, Fun, Fun activity for any event!

Call and add on a few extras for $3.50 each

#1 Classroom Sand Art Pack







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Emoji Fun Pack 15 ct. ONLY $55.00 - FREE SHIPPING 15 Emoji Sand Art Bottles …

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Emoji Fun Pack 15 ct.

15 Emoji Sand Art Bottles
5 Colors of Sand (Plenty)
12 Mini Funnels, Spoons, & Instructions
Fun, Fun, Fun activity for any event!

#1 Classroom Sand Art Pack
Call and add on a few extras for $3.50 each
Smiles for a small group event

Call The Sand Art Experts at 1-800-697-SAND!
Selling Fun Crafts Since 1998

6 Reviews

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  • Posted by Molly - VA on Jan 16th 2019

    The bottles were not the only things SMILING!

    My kids wanted to give these a try for their birthday and BOY did they LOVE THEM! They had such a fun time creating a unique bottle to call their own and can't wait for the next time we can do Sand Art!

  • Posted by Victoria B on Apr 19th 2018

    FUN, FUN, FUN!!!!

    Sand art was a great craft for a rowdy group of 4 year olds. Our local MOM's group will definitely be repeat customers.

6 Reviews

  • 5
    The bottles were not the only things SMILING!

    My kids wanted to give these a try for their birthday and BOY did they LOVE THEM! They had such a fun time creating a unique bottle to call their own and can't wait for the next time we can do Sand Art!

  • 5
    FUN, FUN, FUN!!!!

    Sand art was a great craft for a rowdy group of 4 year olds. Our local MOM's group will definitely be repeat customers.

  • 5
    Emoji Sand Art Kit

    These bottles worked great with my daughter's Emoji themed birthday party. The kids loved it!!

  • 5
    EXPEDITED SHIPPING saved the day!

    I wound up forgetting to order my son's birthday party order until the last minute but thankfully the expedited shipping option pushed my order out the same day and got it to me on time! PHEW! That was a close one!

  • 5
    The kids love them!

    The younger kids can relate to these bottles cause they all love the emoji's on their phone! Super fun for my kids art class!

  • 5
    EMOJI HEAVEN ! ! !

    My 7 year old is EMOJI CRAZY! Everything is emoji....socks, backpack, clothes, and now her birthday party. It was great to make a sand art kit for 16, exactly what I needed. Thanks for the speedy service. (I procrastinated)

Emoji Fun Pack 15 ct.

15 Emoji Sand Art Bottles
5 Colors of Sand (Plenty)
12 Mini Funnels, Spoons, & Instructions
Fun, Fun, Fun activity for any event!

#1 Classroom Sand Art Pack
Call and add on a few extras for $3.50 each
Smiles for a small group event

Call The Sand Art Experts at 1-800-697-SAND!
Selling Fun Crafts Since 1998

Emoji Fun Pack 15 ct.
Total: $55.00

FREE SHIPPING | 1-800-697-7263