Sand Art Tub
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Sand Art Tub w/ Lid $3.50

Holds Approximately 14 lbs of Sand.

Perfect for larger events. Tubs are easy to store and transport.

The tubs are clear plastic so you can see the colored sand inside.

*** Sand Art Tubs Are Made In America***





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Sand Art Tub w/ Lid $3.50 each Approximately 14 lbs of Sand will fill this Sand…

Other Details

Sand Art Tub w/ Lid $3.50 each

Approximately 14 lbs of Sand will fill this Sand Art Tub. If you are having a small event, you might want to get smaller bowls.

We are always asked...."Is Sand Art Messy"? Ice Cream Sundaes are a mess, but Sand is easily swept up. Libraries, Museums, and Country Clubs have done Sand Art inside. As parents, we would much rather the kids have fun with Sand Art than to feed them cake and ice cream.

2 Reviews

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  • Posted by Amanda - IL on Oct 24th 2017


    The first year I opted to NOT buy these and man was that A MISTAKE! I had half empty bags left over (I ordered way too much the first go-around :P) and they were a pain to keep from spilling and to store. Now all I do is snap on the top and stack them up! I can even see what color is what at a glance! SO HANDY!

  • Posted by Monica - AR on Nov 30th 2016

    Make setting up events a snap!

    These are crucial to setting up and storing your event if you plan on having leftovers (the larger starter kits for example). One tub per color and lay them out on a table and you're off and rolling! Afterwards, just snap on the lid and stack them away until next time, add more sand to fill and you're off to the races again! Can't be simpler!

2 Reviews

  • 5

    The first year I opted to NOT buy these and man was that A MISTAKE! I had half empty bags left over (I ordered way too much the first go-around :P) and they were a pain to keep from spilling and to store. Now all I do is snap on the top and stack them up! I can even see what color is what at a glance! SO HANDY!

  • 4
    Make setting up events a snap!

    These are crucial to setting up and storing your event if you plan on having leftovers (the larger starter kits for example). One tub per color and lay them out on a table and you're off and rolling! Afterwards, just snap on the lid and stack them away until next time, add more sand to fill and you're off to the races again! Can't be simpler!

Sand Art Tub w/ Lid $3.50 each

Approximately 14 lbs of Sand will fill this Sand Art Tub. If you are having a small event, you might want to get smaller bowls.

We are always asked...."Is Sand Art Messy"? Ice Cream Sundaes are a mess, but Sand is easily swept up. Libraries, Museums, and Country Clubs have done Sand Art inside. As parents, we would much rather the kids have fun with Sand Art than to feed them cake and ice cream.

Sand Art Tub
Total: $3.50

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