
School Carnival Time

Spring school carnival time is here again!


If you are looking for an awesome craft for your school carnival this year then sand art is your answer. Not only is it fun but sand art can
be extremely profitable for your school as well. Sand art is a very popular activity for school carnivals, you will have the kids lined up to do it. Sand art is a great fundraiser for your carnival. Kids of all ages love doing it so it isn't limited to just the ages at your school. We always say sand art is perfect for kids from 3 to 93. You can easily sell your sand art bottles for 3 times your cost. We have dozens of different styles of bottles available so your choices are huge. We have lots of specials, or package deals, that even include all the sand you need to fill your bottles. The great thing about many of our sand art bottles is you can print a small label with your school info on it like "Lipscomb Fall Carnival 2025" so the kids will remember where and when they did their sand art. Unlike many of the prizes they might get their sand art will be sitting on a shelf so they can show it off.








  If you are doing sand art as a fundraiser than the 100ct party pack is our most popular package. With twelve different bottles to choose from you can't go wrong. Some schools go all out and choose our large shapes. We do have dozens of different shapes in that size and you can certainly sell them for much more than the smaller bottles. If you are looking for the most economical carnival craft idea you can go with our necklaces. The necklace specials are your best bet. With any of our sand art kits all you will need is a table, some tubs or bowls to put the sand in, either funnels or squeeze bottles, and of course some kids.



sand-colors.jpg carries 19 different colors of sand. Our sand is a very fine art sand and is colorfast, safe and non toxic. Most of our specials come with our top eight colors, red, neon pink, purple, neon orange, neon green, yellow, white, and blue. You will absolutely not be able to find any colored sand that is brighter. So if you have your own bottles we can help as well. Here is a hint for figuring how much sand you will need to fill your sand art container. For every ounce of water that your sand art bottle will hold you will need double the ounces of sand. For example if you have a 2 ounce baby food jar you will need 4 ounces of sand to fill it completely. Keep in mind that there are 16 ounces of sand in 1 pound. Our bulk sand pricing is cumulative so for example if you ordered 99 pounds of red sand and 1 pound of blue sand you would be paying the 100 pound price of 1.49 per pound and it ships free!