Sport Kit 30 ct.
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ID Code: SPORT30
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Sport Party Sand Art Kit 30 ct.  - Only $99.00

Complete Kit Includes:
15 Football Bottles (4 3/4" with Cap)
15 Baseball Bottles (3 3/8" with Cap)

8 Bright Colors of Sand, Funnels, Spoons, & Instructions. 
(You will have plenty of sand to fill all 30 Sand Art Bottles)

*Sand Art Kits Are Made In America*






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***If you call the order in, we can mix & match the Sand Art Bottles any way you…

Other Details

***If you call the order in, we can mix & match the Sand Art Bottles any way you want. Example: All Baseballs***

This Sand Art Kit will make your team party a HUGE success! This is a fun craft activity kit for parties, camps, resorts, & opening days. Layer beautiful colors of sand and make a party favor that will last a lifetime.

Need a larger Sand Art Kit? Call for quantity discounts 1-800-697-SAND

1 Review

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  • Posted by Unknown on Oct 20th 2016

    Sport Kit

    This was the perfect kit for my son's birthday party. Each child was able to do one of each bottle and they really had a good time doing it. It wasn't nearly as messy as I thought it would be. This kit was perfect.

1 Review

  • 5
    Sport Kit

    This was the perfect kit for my son's birthday party. Each child was able to do one of each bottle and they really had a good time doing it. It wasn't nearly as messy as I thought it would be. This kit was perfect.

***If you call the order in, we can mix & match the Sand Art Bottles any way you want. Example: All Baseballs***

This Sand Art Kit will make your team party a HUGE success! This is a fun craft activity kit for parties, camps, resorts, & opening days. Layer beautiful colors of sand and make a party favor that will last a lifetime.

Need a larger Sand Art Kit? Call for quantity discounts 1-800-697-SAND

Sport Kit 30 ct.
Total: $99.00

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