Fall Craft Show Fundraiser
Fall is a wonderful time of year. Cool weather, changing colors and fairs and festivals everywhere. Groups everywhere are constantly looking for fundraisers. Selling sand art fits right in with anyone looking to raise money. Sand art is easy to do, fun for all ages and of course, a great moneymaker!
Our most popular packages in the Fall season are the Party Pack shapes. Our pumpkin sand art bottle is by far the best seller right up to Christmas time. Coloredsand.com has done the research and talked with thousands of customers to make sure you are getting the best possible supplies.
Running a sand art booth is pretty easy. We even have high school groups that set up at festivals and run a booth. These kids are raising money for Scouting events and High School Band. Believe us, if high school kids can do it, you certainly can!
One thing you might want to consider. Take credit cards. Many organizations have credit card processors like Square. Try to get permission to use them. You will be surprised to see how many people you will turn away if you don't. So many people don't carry cash anymore.
Any way you look at it doing a sand art booth will be fun and make your organization money. All you need are some kids and supplies from Coloredsand.com